
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Winner, winner...Sewing School 2!

Thank you to all of you who entered the Sewing School 2 giveaway.  This is such a great book, I wish I could give one to each of you!  Luckily, the book is very affordable - if you don't win a copy, you can buy one HERE .

And, now...for the winner of Sewing School 2 ....

Blogger njmendel, who said...
We have the first Sewing School book which has a lot of great ideas for all ages. My older daughter (9) is ready to learn how to use a sewing machine to make skirts for herself and her American Girl doll.

Congratulations!  Please email me your mailing address.

And, the two lucky winners of the Pilot FriXion Ball Erasable Gel Pens ...

Blogger Niki, who said...

I learned to sew a tiny bit with my mom teaching me to sew a crop top when I was in middle school. I didn't sew again until I was bored in my third year of law school and bought a sewing machine on a whim. Since then, I am completely self-taught!

Blogger Sherry D, who said...
This looks like a great book. I would love to win either the book or the pens. I will save this book for my granddaughter. It will not be long before she will be ready to sew.

Congratulations, ladies!  I hope you enjoy the pens as much as I do!  Please email me your mailing address.

Thank you to all who entered, and don't forget to check out Sewing School 2 even if you didn't win!  You'll be so happy you did!

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