We New Englanders have been living in the dark. A curious, at times envious, crafting dark. A Hobby Lobby dark. Up until this weekend, that is, when our first Hobby Lobby (at least in Massachusetts) opened!

So many crafty blogs casually mention this store and we have been left to wonder what we are missing. Wonder no longer, my friends! I was able to snap a few photos with my phone (not many, though - seems they were triple-staffed for the grand opening!) to satisfy your curiosity.

While the fabric selection was small, there were so many cute prints and colors. These were the home dec chevrons!
So many crafty blogs casually mention this store and we have been left to wonder what we are missing. Wonder no longer, my friends! I was able to snap a few photos with my phone (not many, though - seems they were triple-staffed for the grand opening!) to satisfy your curiosity.
While the fabric selection was small, there were so many cute prints and colors. These were the home dec chevrons!
Tons of things to decorate your home, too! While I have been on a major decluttering spree and do NOT want these things in my home collecting dust, they are still fun to look at. Do you want faux birdcages? glass bottles? metal Ford signs for your garage? mini-London phone booths? They have it all, and lots more! It's almost too much!
In the end, I think I showed pretty good restraint. 3 yards quilting cotton and 1 yard striped knit. Not bad for feeling like a kid in a candy shop!