
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Peach Basil Mozzarella Salad

This week's (belated) recipe is a rendition of Heather Ross's Peach and Basil Salad, published in Weekend Sewing: More Than 40 Projects and Ideas for Inspired Stitching .

While she stacks the fruit, cheese and basil, I simply chop mine and toss with the dressing.  Also, I use golden balsamic vinegar so that the vibrant oranges and reds retain their gorgeous color.

Seems fitting to make this salad - look at my camera strap!  I've been taking photos of salads for weeks with Heather Ross's fabric around my neck.  It's about time I featured her salad too.

I have had this fabric in my stash for years.  It is one of those treasured cuts that doesn't often get used in my sewing room because I don't want to run out!  It is a special project, a bit of pampering, to use this fabric. 

In case you love her fabric too, here's a hostess apron in my etsy shop made out of her adorable "Lightning Bugs and Other Mysteries" fabric.
Hostess apron in orange

I hope you enjoy this salad as much as I do - just like the fabric, it is such a treat!

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