
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Jazzy Heart Clip Tutorial

Valentine's Day is just two days away.  Looking for a quick, cute, simple project to surprise your little one?  Try the Jazzy Heart Clip.  It will add just the right sparkle to your Valentine's Day!

You will need a glue gun (or fabric glue), one bendy clip, two felt heart pieces (mine are around 3" x 3"), and about a half yard of sequins.  These are from Joann's and come threaded - they are very pliable, which is perfect for this project.

Step 1: lay the clip on one heart and mark two small lines about a half inch in from the ends of the clip.  Snip these lines.  Put the clip aside for now.

Step 2: put the two felt hearts together and sew a simple seam around the entire edge - mine is about 1/4".

Step 3: start gluing the sequins down.  Use a THIN layer of glue and work in sections.  Follow the outside of the heart, curving the line of sequins as you go.  Overlap the sequins a bit.  When you get to the almost-end, you may need to go over some sequins a bit to even out (see how my bottom left photo just had a little space to fill in?  I went up to the right (see bottom right photo) to even out the last two lines.)  Cut the thread between sequins and glue down the end - try to tuck the thread under, into a dab of glue.

Step 4: open up the clip and slide through the two slits you cut.  That's it! 

Now, go make a bunch and surprise your little Valentine!  (Little E. likes the white one best - she says it looks like a cookie with frosting.  YUM!)
Have a sparkly Valentine's Day!