
Friday, January 7, 2011

Popping in

"Too many project ideas, not enough will power to say no!"
It feels like ages since I've posted anything.  While I haven't been blogging, I have been busy - scattered, actually.  The holidays may be over, but that means birthday season in upon us in our house, and I can't resist the temptation to make things for birthdays. 

So, in the works are:
 - felt broccoli and strawberries for a party game
 - fabric crowns for kids to decorate
 - beaded fairy wands to put together for kids to make
 - party favor bags
 - cookies to decorate
 - a party dress
 - finish my aunt's birthday gift (just a few weeks late)
 - Valentine's for little E's class

I really don't know how "real" craft bloggers do it all - the creating, picture-taking, photo editing, blogging, etc.

Happily, there are a few completed projects to report:
 - bibs for a friend's niece-to-be
 - new bag for me (oops!  how did that happen?)

"For Pleats Sake" bag courtesy of U-Handbag
 - birthday gift for friend

Another "For Pleats Sake"
 - same bag (different fabric) for sister-in-law (no photo)
 - new dress for little E - I actually made this first one from old fabric b/c I was worried about the fit of the pattern, but the fit was perfect and little E was soooo happy - you can just tell how good she felt in her new dress.

 Thank you, Ruby, for sharing a dress pattern even I could make!  ha ha
Hope to be back soon with photos of more completed projects (preferably the ones listed in the above "in the works" section!).
Happy weekend!

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