I should start off by saying that I love the end result and I'm pretty sure my sister-in-law will, too. (If you are my sister-in-law, STOP looking at this right now! Your birthday isn't for another two days!) The pattern is wonderful - easy to follow, well-explained and illustrated when necessary. What follows here are MY follies from the point I decided to make a birthday gift for above-mentioned sister-in-law. So.....
2. Buy enough fabric for clutch from lovely Southampton Quilts.
3. Once home, decide to make the Pretty in Pleats bag from artsy crafty babe instead (I bought the pattern (plus another) at the end of last year - I challenge you to only buy one!).
4. Print off pattern.
5. Realize you do not have enough fabric from store that is a good 25 minutes away from house.
6. Decide to attempt to shrink pattern pieces to fit fabric.
7. Cut fabric.
8. Realize you do NOT have enough fabric.
9. Dig into stash to find coordinating fabric (a fourth coordinating fabric, mind you) and find an option.
10. Cut the fabric and second-guess your choice.
11. Dig into stash again and choose a different option.
12. Cut the fabric with the pattern on the WRONG fold!
13. Cut the fabric on the right fold.
14. Second-guess this fabric and give up for the night.
15. Go to Joann's the next day (other fabric store too far with time constraints, two little people tagging along and naps to maintain) and look for a third (or is it fourth, or fifth - I've lost count!) option for the fourth coordinating fabric.
16. Wonder if you should just make the gathered clutch but other fabric is already cut for pattern.
17. Buy two types of interfacing for project.
18. Forget to use coupon.
19. Get two little people back in car, buckled in.
20. Realize store double charged you for stabilizer.
21. Go back into store and fix above-mentioned error.
22. Get home and pair two fabrics from store with other fabrics.
23. Decide you don't like either option.
24. Debate going forth with second stash choice or driving back to far away fabric store (skipping a park play date on the first nice day in a while).
25. Opt to be a good mother and go to park.
26. Sew bag with second stash choice and end up being very happy with all the fabric choices.
Phew! Don't you just love sewing!? :)
And I just LOVE my bag! Thanks!