
Thursday, June 24, 2010

A new girl in town...

Just over 9 months ago, a new girl arrived on the scene here. 
Ever since, she has captured our hearts with her constant smiles (and dimples to boot), sense of humor, and long, skinny legs.

It only seems appropriate that this little doll be hers.

Just look at those legs

and that smile.

She even likes to play hide-and-seek like our new little one!

Happy weekend!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

A moment worth sharing...

I don't often craft while either daughter is up, but yesterday was an exception.  Baby A was napping and Baby E (now 3 1/2!) was happy doing her crafting (finger paints, glue, paper, and assorted paint brushes).
Anyway,  I decided to iron some fabric for a sewing project while she was keeping herself busy.  In the middle of it all, she looked up and said, "I love crafting."  Just like that! 
When she said she didn't like bacon, I had to wonder, but that confirms it - she's my girl!